Apply to join

This job board isn't like the others. Tech Job #1 is focused on showcasing opportunities for people who want to get their first job.

This board presents a small number of carefully selected opportunities each week. Along with the jobs you will see my opinion of what each one will be like, explanations of technical and business terms, and how to maximise your chances.

Why is it private?

I don't want to make any false promises about how many people I can help into the industry. I'm starting by building a small community of dedicated job hunters. I will work with them to help them achieve their goals and build out the most effective resources and features. After this, we will expand.

Do I have to pay?

No, Tech Job #1 is free. In future I may add a paid plan which includes some extra resources and services.

Who are you and why are you doing this?

My name is Kay Lack. I ran the technical education team at Makers, a major UK code school, for half a decade and helped many people get their first tech job.

Towards the end of that time, I saw that the world is changing for those trying to enter the tech industry. We need new ideas. Tech Job #1 is here to drive that change.

So, how do I join?

Update: I have now selected an initial group to work with, however if you would like to be added to the waitlist please do still follow the instructions below to apply. I will then contact you when I am ready to expand the service. I will also send you some advice on how to move forward in the mean time — though note it is currently taking me a few weeks to get back to people.

Message me on LinkedIn or via email at

Tell me four things:

  1. What accomplishment are you most proud of in your education or professional career so far?
  2. Tell me the story of how you made the decision to get into tech.
  3. What kind of work are you looking for?
  4. Give me a sample of your best work. If your best is just one line of code, that's fine.

If you can't think of anything, or you don't feel like your answers are very good, please send them anyway. I will respond to everyone who answers all four questions, either with an invite or with some advice on how to move forward.